dwm Configuration - README

This README outlines the keybindings, scratchpad usage, layouts, and other important settings in the config.def.h file for my dwm build.


Property Value
Border Width 0px (no window border)
Gaps 2px gap between windows
Snap 8px
Status Bar Displayed at the top of the screen
Fonts TerminessTTF Nerd Font (18px, bold), JoyPixels (16px, bold)
Colors See below

Color Scheme

Element Foreground Background Border
SchemeNorm #dddfff #000000 #444444
SchemeSel #ffffff #000000 #00ffff


Action Keybinding
Terminal Alt + Enter
Quit dwm Alt + Shift + q
Switch Windows Alt + Tab
Toggle Floating Alt + Space
Tile Layout Alt + t
Floating Layout Alt + f
Monocle Layout Alt + m
Move Focus Alt + j/k
Resize Windows Alt + h/l
Increase/Decrease Gaps Alt + Shift + h/l
Switch Master/Slave Windows Alt + ,/.
View Tag Alt + [1-9]
Move Window to Tag Alt + Shift + [1-9]
View All Tags Alt + 0
Move Window to All Tags Alt + Shift + 0


Program Keybinding
Terminal Alt + Shift + Return
Ranger Alt + Shift + r
ncmpcpp Alt + Shift + m
tty-clock Alt + Shift + c
Vim Alt + Shift + v
nnn Alt + Shift + n
Typiskt Alt + Shift + t
Cava Alt + Shift + a


Layout Keybinding
Tile Alt + t
Floating Alt + f
Monocle Alt + m

Autostart Programs


Tag Icon
Web Browser
Files 󰑈
Music 󰛍
Media Editing 󰣠

Tag Rules

Application Tag Description
discord 5 Chat
qemu 9 Virtualization
surf / qutebrowser 3 Browser
firefox / chromium 9 Browser
obs 7 Recording
virt-manager 8 Virtual Machines
transmission-gtk 9 Downloads
krita, gimp, kdenlive 7 Media Editing

Special Rules

Floating scratchpad windows (e.g., spterm, spfm, spncm, etc.) are not swallowed and behave as independent floating windows.

***Et voilà!***